Will of James Barrett in Woodham Walter 1843

In the Name of God Amen I James Barrett of Woodham Walter in the County of Essex farmer do make and publish my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) And my desire is to be respectably interred in the Vault with my first Wife in the Parish of Dunton in the County of Essex

I give and bequeath unto my present Wife Harriet Barrett the legacy of sum of five pounds and direct the same to be paid to her immediately after my decease

And I give and bequeath all my stocks or Securities in the Public funds with all interest or dividends that may be due thereon at the time of my decease and that may thereafter accrue unto my Sisters Bella and Rebecca Barrett in equal shares and proportions share and share alike and direct the same to be paid or transferred to them by my Executors at the expiration of three months next after my decease to and for their own absolute use and benefit But in case either of them shall happen to depart this life in my life time then I give and bequeath the part or share of her so dying unto the survivor of them absolutely and the same to be paid or transferred to such survivor at the same time with her original share

And I give and bequeath to my brother Cornelius Barrett of Childerditen in the County of Essex ffarmer and my friend Richard Woodfine of Shenfield in the said County miller all my estate term and interest under the lease of the Messuage ffarm Lands hereditaments and premises now in my own occupation in Woodham Walter aforesaid also all my household furniture Plate Linen China implements and utensils in household and also all my live and dead stock and Crops of every description implements in husbandry and the Rest and Residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever upon trust that they the said Cornelius Barrett and Richard Woodfine and the survivor of them his executors or administrators do and shall as soon as soon as convenient or immediately after my decease sell dispose of and convert into money by public auction or private contract all such part or parts thereof as shall not consist of money and I do hereby will and declare that  the said Cornelius Barrett and Richard Woodfine  and the survivor of them his executors or administrators  shall stand possessed of the clear monies to arise by such a sale or sales together with my ready money upon trust for my said Brother and my daughter Harriet Elizabeth Barrett in equal shares and proportions share and share alike (subject as after mentioned) and I hereby direct that the share or proportion of my said Brother shall be paid to him immediately after the completion of such sale or sales to and for his absolute use and benefit and the share or proportion of my said daughter I direct my Executors to place out or invest in their names on real or Government security at interest and do and shall pay and apply the interest or dividends arising therefrom as and when the same shall be received to and for the maintenance education clothing and bringing up of my said daughter until she attains the age of twenty one years and when she attains that age Then upon trust to pay or assign and transfer all and singular the monies so invested unto my said daughter and I give and bequeath all the said trust monies accordingly

But in case my said daughter shall happen to depart this life under the age of twenty one years Then I give and bequeath the share or proportion of my said trust monies which she would have been entitled to unto my said brother his executors administrators and assigns and direct the same to be paid or transferred to him immediately after the decease of my said daughter And I hereby subject and charge my residuary trust monies and effects before a division thereof to and with the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses

And I hereby will and declare that my Executors shall retain and reimburse themselves all their reasonable expenses and that neither of them shall be answerable for the acts deeds receipts disbursements defaults or neglects of the other but each of them for his own acts deeds receipts disbursements defaults or neglects only

And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said brother Cornelius Barrett and the said Richard Woodfine  Executors of this my will hereby revoking all others and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six

Jas Barrett

(Attestation Clause)

Daniel Chipperfield – Nathan Bentall – Wm Wright

Proved at London 14 August 1843

PCC Prob11/1983