Will of Benjamin Kinge

The will of Benjamin Kinge, landowner at Southminster & Asheldham

Benjamin Kinge, of Maldon, Essex, gent,

Bequests to the poor of Southminster, All Saints Maldon, and St. Peters Maldon.

To eldest son Benjamin my messuage called Wrastlers in Southminster etc.

My brother Edmond Kinge of Halstead Essex.

To Robert my son two tenement at Lyhethe etc.

To sons Thomas and Samuel freehold lands etc. called Awstans in Southminster equally between them.

Also to them the messuage wherein I dwell at Maldon.

To son Edward various goods he to be in the charge of my brother Edmond.

To sons Benjamin, Robert and Bartholomew farms etc.

My sons Thomas and Samuel to have my term of years in Asheldam Hall.

To my three daughters-in-law viz: Elizabeth wife of son Benjamin, Elizabeth wife of son Robert and Sarah wife of son Bartholomew 40/- each

John, Elizabeth, Susan and Edmond, the children of my son Benjamin. Edmond and Thomas children of my son Robert. Abraham and Bartholomew children of my son Bartholomew. To Sir John Sams Knt.* and my Lady his wife 20/- each.

To my cousin Christopher Hanworth my best cloak.

To his son Christopher 20/- and the same to his daughter Alice my goddaughter.

To John Lorde "my heire at the Moore" 10/-.

To my sister Shawe a ring.

To Jane Gaywood my sisters daughter £6. 13. 4.

To my cousin Johan now wife of Abel Death £6.

Various money bequests one to Mr. Wilson preacher at Maldon.

To Edward Hayes my last wive's sister's son at age 24, £2o.

To Bethsephora Dove who lately dwelt with me £10.

Ex: sons Benjamin, Robert and Bartholomew.

Overseers: my friends,Mr. Culverell of Lincolns Inn, Mr. Raffe Hawden, Edward

Herrys Esq., John Soan, and Christopher Hanworth gent, my brother

Edmond Kinge, Edward Hastelerf my son in law, and Thomas Cheese.

My Executors to provide a strong chest with two locks

to keep my deeds and indentures in.

Wit: Benjamin Kinge, Christopher Hanworth, William Francis, George Purcas, and

Thomas Cheese

Will made 30 Nov., 1613.