Will of Thomas Kinge

The will of Thomas Kinge, Yeoman of Purleigh

To be buried in Churchyard.

To Anne my wife the lease to the house I dwell in. My landlord John Bennett.

To my eldest son Christopher my "flocke of cattell."

My son Edward who was prenticed to Christofer Horwod of Brancklery.

To son George the money which is in the hands of his master Mr. Ralph Pudsey* of Gray's Inn.

To Thomas Hasker, my son in law £5.

Edward Kinge the son of John Kinge, late of Burnham, deceased.

My goddaughters Elizabeth Freake and Ellen Buries.

I will that my tenant Thomas Carter be abated of his rent 40/-.

To the poor of Purleigh 20/-.

Residue equally between my three sons — they to be executors.

Supervisor: Mr. Freake.

Wit: John ffreake.f Edmund Buries (x), James Brett (x).

Will Made 8 August, 1588.